Thursday, January 30, 2020

Structural Functionalism and Conflict Theory Essay Example for Free

Structural Functionalism and Conflict Theory Essay Karl Marx and Max Weber were the first conflict theorists in the 19th and early 20th centuries. Following Marx and Weber were three mid-20th century conflict theorists: Lewis Coser, Ralf Dahrendorf, and Randall Collins. Coser draws his theoretical ideas from Simmel. Like Simmel, Coser maintains that conflict is healthy for society. In contrast, Dahrendorf combines theoretical ideas from Marx and Weber. Dahrendorf sees power as the main feature in all social relationships. However, Collins incorporates Weber, Durkheim, and Goffman’s theories to provide a micro-level orientation to conflict theory. Collins also used geopolitics at a global level to examine political conflicts historically and geographically. According to Marx and Weber, the root of most social conflict comes from an unequal distribution of class, status, and power, as well as a group’s sense of deprivation caused by class (Allan, 2007). Coser, Dahrendorf, and Collins added to Marx and Weber’s theories. These conflict theorists assert that the degree of deprivation is essential in creating class consciousness and critical awareness. In particular, Coser discusses the consequences of inter and intra group conflict. Internal conflict can build up over time between groups and become explosive. Internal groups have a psychological need to be in conflict with each other. Modes of releasing hostility and developing authority with a corresponding justice system are necessary for healthy internal conflict. Further, external conflicts between groups create well defined and guarded boundaries to distinguish membership. Group membership becomes exclusive, which is necessary for group survival. â€Å"Conflict sets boundaries between groups within a social system by strengthening group consciousness and awareness of separateness, thus establishing the identity of groups within the system† (Coser, as quoted in Allan, p. 219, 2007). Coser maintains that conflict can have functional consequences. Some functional consequences of conflict are: social change, innovation, and increased centralized power. Structural Functionalism was the dominant theoretical approach in the United States from the 1930s through the 1970s. Structural Functionalism asserts that the various parts of society are interrelated and form a complete  system. â€Å"Just as the body is a system with specific parts (e.g., arms, legs, liver) that ensure its overall functioning, so, too, society is a system with specific parts (family, government, economy, religion, etc.) necessary for its very survival† (Appelrouth and Edles, 2008, p. 349). Two key structural functionalism theorists are Talcott Parsons and Robert Merton. Parsons theories were highly abstract. Parsons developed a social action theory to explain why people behave the way they do. He explained human actions as a result of three systems: social systems, personality systems, and cultural, and behavioral systems (Appelrouth and Edles, 2008). These systems are not separate entities; rather together they form a simplified model of society. â€Å"Social systems, personality systems, and cultural systems undergird all action and all social life† (Appelrouth and Edles, 2008, p. 352). Parsons applied his theory to the American family in Sex Roles in the American Kinship System (1943). Parsons proclaimed that â€Å"many women succumb to their dependency cravings through such channels as neurotic illness or compulsive domesticity and thereby abdicate both their responsibilities and their opportunities for genuine independence† (Parsons, 1943 as quoted by Appelrouth and Edles, 2008, p. 382). Sex Roles in the American Kinship System (1943) incited criticisms as Parson endorsed traditional gender roles, and asserted that dire consequences would occur if these roles were breached. Robert Merton’s theoretical influences were broad. He read extensively, and there are elements of Durkheim, Weber, Simmel, and Marx in his theories. In contrast to Parson’s abstract theories, Merton was a middle-range theorist. Middle range theories â€Å"lie between the minor but necessary working hypotheses that evolve in abundance during day-to-day research and the all-inclusive systematic efforts to develop a unified theory that will explain all the observed uniformities of social behavior, social organization, and social change† (Merton, as quoted by Appelrouth and Edles, p. 383). Merton was best known for his distinction between manifest and latent functions. Whereas manifest functions are the conscious intentions of the actor, latent functions are the unintended consequences of the action. Merton used the example of the Hopi rain dance to illustrate manifest and latent functions. The manifest function of the rain dance often does not  produce rain, and is called superstitious by some. However, the rain dance continues to be performed for a function that the actor is unaware of, which is the latent function (Appelrouth and Edles, 2008). â€Å"†¦This behavior may perform a function for the group, although this function may be quite remote from the avowed purpose of the behavior† (Merton, 1949 as quoted by Appelrouth and Edles, 2008, p. 391). Even though the Hopi rain ceremony does not produce the manifest function of producing rain, the ceremony does bear latent functions that sociologists and anthropologists can study. Parsons Sex Roles in the American Kinship System (1943) received a lot of criticism in the 20th century. This 20th century criticism stems from Parsons endorsement of traditional gender roles, and the dire consequences that would occur should these roles be breached. Interestingly, the 21st century critiqued the 20th century critiques. The 21st century does not claim that Parsons assertions were not sexist, rather that the 20th century critiques were sexist (Appelrouth and Edles, 2008). As Appelrouth and Edles (2008) note, Parson’s pivotal premise was not sexist at all. Parsons believed that changes that are functional for one part of the system will produce changes that are not necessarily functional for other parts of the system. Appelrouth and Edles (2008) further noted the sexism in the 20th century in the premise that women could enter the workforce without significant changes being made to other social structures and systems, and without a major increase in quality dayca re and childcare facilities. How would Parsons view 21st century families? I maintain that Parsons might find 21st century families dysfunctional. Twenty-first century families do not have the rigid structure that Parsons describes. Parsons wrote from a 1940s, 1950s white male middle class perspective, and could not picture the perspective of other social classes. However, families today are socially and racially diverse, especially in the US, and even the white middle class family does not fit Parsons proscribed role definitions. In the 21st century, there is substantial role confusion in families. Gay and lesbian couples adopt children and raise them with same sex parents. More fathers stay at home to take care of their children while the mother is the primary breadwinner. Increased educational opportunities for women have produced a professional class of women who sometimes earn substantially more than their  husbands. Families in the 21st century are also deciding to have fewer children, and are marrying at a later age (and sometimes not at all). In short, the 21st century has produced more: women in the workforce, single parent households, stay-at-home dads, same sex parents, and racially blended families. It is arguable whether families in the 21st century are dysfunctional. Certainly there are dysfunctional families; yet, many families perform well in the new social order. Would Parsons view the 21st century change in sex roles as negatively affecting the family? Indeed, some would argue that changed sex role definitions create confusion, and affect the family and the socialization of children negatively. However, sex role changes in the 21st century are logical when one looks at the situation using Parson’s AGIL scheme. The 21st century has produced rapid changes, and as a result, family roles have had to change in order to adapt to the new environment. Social changes and changes in the job market have forced people to conform. Therefore, families have had to adapt to the new economic system (A), and therefore have new goals (G), which create changes in the social system with norms and interactions (I), and thus cultural systemic change occurs to adapt to the new order (L) (Appelrouth and Edles, 2008). Hence, the new social order is more functional for the 21st century. Therefore, it can be concluded that Parsons fixed and inflexible role structure is only one depiction of a functional family, as portrayed by 21st century families. Merton’s manifest and latent functions are applicable as a functional analysis tool for social organizations. In evaluating social programs, assessors may tend to just investigate manifest functions. When querying a social organization as to whether they achieved their program goals or intended purpose, the answer received in the manifest function gives little depth of information. Granted, this type of manifest inquiry is important, as it reveals whether programs have achieved their stated goals. Nevertheless, this manifest inquiry can be achieved simply by questioning agency personnel. On the other hand, utilizing latent inquiry, the assessor can discover deeper theoretical problems. By simply examining manifest functions, the evaluator becomes merely a recorder and transcriber of  behavior and actions. In contrast, latent inquiry provides more depth to an assessment. Latent inquiry discovers unrecognized information that cannot be obtained by a manifest inquiry. Latent inquiry discovers consequences, motivations, and paradoxes, which provide useful assessment information. Therefore, when used together, both manifest and latent functions are a valuable functional analysis tool for sociological inquiry. Resources Allan, K. (2007). The Social Lens: An Invitation to Social and Sociological Theory. California: Pine Forge Press. Appelrouth, S., and Edles, L. (2008). Classical and Contemporary Sociological Theory. California: Pine Forge Press.

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Essay --

Nino Foley 3/4/14 PS 326 Defensive Realism V. Neoconservatism The Iraq Invasion Politically and economically, it could be argued that no other country’s foreign policy exercises such a powerful influence in world affairs as that of the United States. Nowhere is this more the case than the Middle East; a highly contested and volatile region, rich with natural resources and geopolitical importance. The 2003 invasion of Iraq serves as an example of one the most significant events in the region in recent history. The respective lens of systemic defensive realism and domestic constructivism via neoconservatism will be juxtaposed as explanations for the decision to invade Iraq. Defensive realism, in its tenet of states responding to threats, pits the U.S in a reactionary position after 9/11. Responding to the perceived threats of WMD’s in Iraq, scarcity of oil caused in part by increased consumption in India and China, and an unstable international arena in the wake of September 11th, the U.S elected to unilaterally invade Iraq, ignoring objection from the U.N and the global community; hence confirming one of the primary realist principles – the unimportance of international institutions. The election of George W. Bush in 2000 introduced a powerful era of neoconservatism, an ideology whose roots can be traced back to the 1960’s and would exercise momentous influence in the decision to invade Iraq. The Bush Administration housed ten of the founding 25 members of the â€Å"Project for the New American Century†, a neoconservative think-tank based in Washington, D.C. Among them were Vice President Cheney, Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld and Deputy Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld. Together they would advocate for American hegemon... ...hat necessitated the war. That these systemic forces are of greater importance than the possibility of an underlying ideology in the Bush Administration and are reaffirmed by the cause/effect of 9/11 and the war in Iraq. But this perceived reaction would not have been possible without the filter through which the global situation was being processed, namely neoconservatism. And this is truly where neoconservatism trumps defensive realism. The amalgamation of neocon policy makers with a preexisting agenda to invade Iraq, combined with an administration operating from an ideology that prioritizes the preemptive use of force – is a superior position when compared with a theory that is based in classifying the U.S as a reactionary actor. It was the realities of a domestic ideology in the executive branch that paved the way for the Iraq invasion; not .

Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Africa: the Unknown Continent Essay

Trice Riddle Mrs. Jennifer Sikes English 1020 11 February 2009 The Unknown Continent Many people know about it and have seen it on maps before but they still do not pay attention to detail or really care. People still say today that it is a country but it is a continent made up of countries. Many people describe it as the â€Å"dark continent† because it has not developed enough to be like an Asia or the Americas. Its hard to really discover what Africa is and how to define it. The land is rich and the people are full of life. Africa to many is Just a land of desert and is impossible to live in because f the harsh climate. The people of Africa may be struggling its hard to tell on their faces when you visit. They are all smiles and take everyday of life to its fullest. What people do not know is that Africa is one of the most richest in resources. Its hard to find and discover them because they do not have the equipment. Africa to me could be United States of America when they find the right tools and discover the natural resources they have. When I hear the word Africa I think of Egypt, deserts, and the Nile River. Also, South Africa has a couple of really famous golfers that play and ominate the PGA Tour in the United States. Africa needs to have a since of pride from their history and move forward to be a known continent. I want to discover what Africa is and finally put a name to it where people can see that it is a beautiful, strong continent. The history of Africa is priceless. The history is so amazing its hard to tell people about. The African tribes had to rely on each other in order to survive. One of the earliest languages was founded by African tribes. The villagers would communicate by making a clicking sound with their tongues. Even though it has no words, the ifferent sounds and lengths of the pitch was used to understand each other. They still do this today but it is rare. They have found one of the earliest human life forms in history. Since some of the land of Africa was undiscovered, rulers would send out explorers to find some of this land and claim it. Most of the land was claimed by European countries since they were the most powerful at the time. If there was any conflict between land it resulted in fghting. If there were tribes in the way, they would raid them and probably use them as slaves. Many European rulers sent ships o Africa for the slave trade. Slaves were put the bottom of the ship and would fit as many of the slaves as possible. Over 1,600 ships and over 150,000 slaves were boarded to European countries. Many of the slaves had houses to live in, but the other working slaves lived there and they all used and shared the same things. Some slaves were treated bad. They were not fed well and didn’t have houses to sleep in. This all ended in the mid 1800s when most of the African empires signed a treaty. Because of the end of slavery, empires were unable to adapt and some even caused ivil wars. Some of these countries are affected from these civil wars that happened about 150 years ago. Africa’s rich history makes it unique and one of the most The only history people knew about is from the great country of Egypt. A country of pharos and great Egyptian Kings like the most famous one, King Tut. In the ancient time of Egypt, it was one of the greatest countries on earth. It had advances that people today still wonder how it was built. The most amazing architect of this time was the Great Pyramid of Giza, one of the seven ancient wonders of the world. The only ancient wonder to exist. I think that if you could go visit one place with rich history that Egypt would be the place. Running through the middle of Egypt is the worlds longest river, the Nile River. Most of Egypt’s cities are built around it for water and nutrients. Everything there is so exciting and rich that you could stay there a year and still learn about the Egyptian culture. The land of Africa is considered rich but it has one of the worlds largest deserts. Africa is not technologically developed so finding these resources is next to impossible. This poor country suffers from food, diseases, and the lack of people to care for it like they do for other countries. We see all these little kids and families on television that are anorexic and have very little clothes and food. We try to help them but its hard when all the people around them are suffering Just as bad, if not worse. The richer of the African countries live around lakes and rivers. South Africa being one of the richest countries has its down side too. There is one huge thing thats comes from South Africa and thats PGA Tour golfers. Ernie Els, Retief Goosen, and the most famous one is Gary Player. These are guys who love South Africa and are proud of where they came from. Some of these golfers beat the most famous and number one golfer in the world, Tiger Woods. Gary Player has beaten the best golfer ever in Jack Nicklaus several times. It does not matter where you come from you can do anything you want and always remember where you came from. The home of some of the happiest people with the least to have or give. Africa is a country full of hope, pride, and rich history. This is a country with the poorest people, but they still find a way to look at the positive and enjoy the life they ave and what they have been given. Life is to short not to be happy. They have every reason to be down and to give up, but if we look closely at the details we will see that they survive on each other and each other’s pride. We need to see how they are living and try to do it. They know every moment they are given is a blessing not Just a another day. Coming closer will teach us about each other and from their we can make the lives around us better. Africa is an important continent that we all need to stop and pay attention to how beautiful it is.

Monday, January 6, 2020

Diabetes Essay examples - 1471 Words

Diabetes In the United States, an estimated 16 million people have diabetes. Diabetes is a serious lifelong condition. Half the 16 million people who have diabetes do not even realize the condition exists and are not receiving treatment. 798,000 people each year are diagnosed with diabetes. It occurs most often in adults, but it is also one of the most chronic disorder in children. It is estimated that 123,000 children ages 19 and below have the disorder. Diabetes is recognized as one of the leading causes of death and disability in the United States. It has contributed to over 193,140 deaths in 1996. It is associated with long term disorder that affects almost every major†¦show more content†¦In diabetes, the immune system attacks the pancreas and destroys the insulin producing beta cells, resulting in production of little or no insulin. A person with Type 1 must administer himself injections on a daily basis to survive. Type 1 accounts for 5 to 10 percent of the diagnosed diabetes in the United States. (NIDDK) It develops most often in children and young adults, but the disorder can appear at any age. The symptoms are noticed over a short period of time. The symptoms include increased thirst and urination, constant hunger, weight loss, blurred vision, and extreme tiredness. If not diagnosed and treated with insulin, a person can lapse into a life-threatening coma. The most common form of diabetes is Type 2. It is known as noninsulin-dependent diabetes mellitus. Ninety to ninety-five percent of the people with diabetes have Type 2. Type 2 usually develops in adults over the age of 40 and is most common in adults over the age of 55. (NIDDK) About 80 percent of the people with Type 2 are overweight. In Type 2, the body produces insulin, but the body can not use the insulin effectively ending up with a build up of glucose in the bloodstream. The symptoms of Type 2 are not as noticea ble as in Type 1. The symptoms include feeling tired or ill, frequent urination (especially at night), unusual thirst, weight loss, blurred vision, frequent infections, and slow healing of sores. The third type of diabetes is gestationalShow MoreRelatedDiabetes : Diabetes And Diabetes3153 Words   |  13 PagesPeople all around the world might know someone with diabetes, but might have never realized how did they get diabetes, what will happen with them, what do they go through, what makes them change their lives, or what is there everyday basis when someone has diabetes? It may not be your problem, but to show respect and care for the one who may have diabetes can help them and benefit yourself to know more about it and have a better understanding of it. It can impact a person s personal life to knowRead MoreDiabetes : The Growth Of Knowledge On Diabetes1018 Words   |  5 PagesDiabetes The research focused on explaining the meaning of diabetes and how literary some concepts can be used to control the situation. Diabetes is a defect in the body that results from the inability to convert glucose to energy. In the medical terms, glucose is the primary source of energy that enables the body to execute its functions effectively. The types of foods that affect the blood sugars are called carbohydrates. We can find carbohydrates in foods such as potatoes, corn, fruit, rice andRead MoreDiabetes And Its Effects On Diabetes1408 Words   |  6 Pagesgo hand in hand with diabetes. Everyone who has diabetes goes through different events or problems each and every day. However, there is more than just one type of diabetes that corresponds with these things; there are two distinct types. It is unsure how Diabetes was discovered but now there are much simpler ways to detect if someone is diabetic. As time has gone on, it is greatly apparent that the technology and all that scien tists know about diabetes has changed. Diabetes is a disease in whichRead MoreDiabetes : Diabetes And Diabetes1433 Words   |  6 Pages Diabetes mellitus (sometimes called sugar diabetes) is a condition that occurs when the body can t use glucose (a type of sugar) normally. Glucose is the main source of energy for the body s cells. The levels of glucose in the blood are controlled by a hormone called insulin, which is made by the pancreas. Insulin helps glucose enter the cells. In diabetes, the pancreas does not make enough insulin (type 1 diabetes) or the body can t respond normally to the insulin that is made (type 2 diabetes)Read MoreDiabetes : Diabetes And Diabetes Essay1172 Words   |  5 Pages Diabetes refers to clinically and heterogenous group of disorders described by abnormal high levels blood glucose. Diabetes is ranked as 6th leading cause of death. It direct annual medical costs is approximately over $ 92 billion, and another $ 40 billion indirect cost. It affects approximately 18.2 million people in the USA (Arcangelo Peterson, 2013). Explain the differences between types of diabetes including type 1, type 2, gestational, and juvenile diabetes. There are three major classificationRead MoreDiabetes : Diabetes And Diabetes1193 Words   |  5 Pagesthe family has diabetes. Her husband, your grandfather, is at risk for diabetes. Your father has diabetes. Your mother is at risk for diabetes. Your half-sister on your father’s side of the family was recently tested for diabetes. What kind of future regarding diabetes does that leave you with? This may not be you, but this is me. This is my diabetic and at risk family. What is the difference between the types of diabetes? What are the possible problems I can have because of diabetes? How can I treatRead MoreDiabetes : Diabetes And Diabetes1371 Words   |  6 PagesDiabetes For my health project topic I chose Diabetes. One of my aunts has type one diabetes, and that is partially why I chose to do this topic. Diabetes is a group of metabolic diseases in which the person has high blood glucose (blood sugar) because of varying reasons. Some of these reasons include insulin production is inadequate or because the body’s cells don’t respond properly to insulin, or both. Insulin is a hormone produced in the pancreas that regulates the amount of glucose in theRead MoreDiabetes : Diabetes And Diabetes851 Words   |  4 Pages Diabetes comes in multiple forms: type 1, or diabetes insipidus; type 2, or diabetes mellitus; or gestational, which occurs during pregnancy and may be either type 1 or type 2. Diabetes is a metabolic disease where the person has high blood glucose. (Blood glucose is also know was blood sugar.) When the person has high blood sugar it’s either because the insulin result is insufficient, or the body’s cells don’t respond to the insulin like it should, or both can happen. There are different typesRead MoreDiabetes : Diabetes And Diabetes919 Words   |  4 PagesResistance: Diabetes Diabetes mellitus is most commonly known as diabetes. Diabetes is formally a Greek word that translates to, â€Å"the making of lots of urine with sugar in it or making sweet urine† Brawley. This disease is due to a metabolic dysfunction. Diabetes is caused due to the fact that insufficient insulin is being produced in the pancreas. Sometimes this disease can even be caused because the cells are not being responsive to the insulin being produced. Unfortunately diabetes is not justRead MoreDiabetes Is An Illness Of Diabetes2273 Words   |  10 Pages INTRODUCTION Diabetes is an illness that’s been raising for many years and yet there hasn’t been a cure found for it. Diabetes is diagnosed when you have too much glucose also known as sugar in your blood, where the pancreas isn’t able to make enough insulin to pass the sugar in use for energy to the different cells in your body. Glucose in the bloodstreams comes from the carbohydrate foods which are changed into sugar after we have eaten them or the glucose that’s been stored in the liver that